.. highlight:: rest ************ Running SPIT ************ This file offers a few notes on running SPIT within a Python code. You might find this `iPython Notebook `_ to be the most helpful. Load the Classifier =================== SPIT needs a CNN arachitecture to run. Here is the call to load the Kast classifier:: from spit.classifier import Classifier kast = Classifier.load_kast() Pre-Process =========== Assuming you have an image in memory (as a Numpy ndarray), presume to pre-process:: pdict = spit_p.original_preproc_dict() # dict to guide the steps images_array = spit_p.flattened_array(data, pdict) # Generates 4 flattened images Classify ======== Time to classify. Here goes:: prediction, results = spit_c.get_prediction(images_array, kast) And this will turn the output into an image_type name:: pred_type = kast.classify_dict[prediction] And that is that.